For hundreds, if not thousands of years, seaweed has been used to assist growers in this country. The main benefit is that seaweed is very, very high in nutrients! Much more so than plants grown on land. Because these nutrients have already been digested from the sea by the plant itself these micronutrients are very bioavailable to plants on land which easily absorb them. Seaweed contains over 40 different vitamins and minerals including; nitrogen, magnesium, phosphuros and potassium. Hormones found uniquely within seaweed stimulate root growth and budding. Alginic acid, for example, in seaweed forms a filmy layer on plant surfaces. This layer creates a larger contact area which makes it easier for the plant to absorb water soluble vitamins and minerals. As if this was not enough, seaweed acts a natural pest repellent due to its natural salt content. Seaweed can also help to revive the soils in a ‘tired’ patch bringing incredible minerals and vitamins to depleted soil and with zero artificial chemicals.